My name is Alexander Karlsson
PHP, Laravel, Microsoft .Net, C#, MS SQL, SQL Data Warehouse, Python, mySQL, Javascript, jQuery, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS, SASS
Building web based systems and integrations with Laravel framework and .Net Core. Building hybrid apps for Android and iOS using Xamarin. Maintaining a few Wordpress sites.
PHP, Laravel, Python, .Net Core, C#, mySQL, Javascript, ES6, Vue.js, jQuery, CSS, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, HTML
Building and maintaining web based system with Laravel framework. Building and maintaining Bilkompani's Wordpress site.
PHP, Laravel, Python, C#, mySQL, Javascript, ES6, jQuery, CSS, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, HTML
Developing and maintaining systems built with .Net Core and .Net Framework, both web and desktop applications. Building integrations with our ERP systems and also developing Xamarin apps for android and iOS.
MS SQL Server, MS SQL Data Warehouse, .NET Core, .NET Framework, C#, Xamarin, Android, iOS, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML
Built web sites and web based systems using Wordpress and Laravel
PHP, Wordpress, Laravel, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Managing Sm�lands Motors IT environment, mostly Microsoft based servers and clients.
Developed and maintained intranet with tools for all departments in the company using Laravel framework.
Windows Server, Office 365, MS SQL Server, .NET Framework, C#, Pyhton, PHP, Laravel, mySQL, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML
Built web sites and web based systems using SiteFactory CMS based on .Net Framework. Both backend and frontend development.
.Net Framework, C#, VB.NET, jQuery, CSS, HTML
.NET Core
Laravel framework
Vanilla Javascript
Microsoft SQL Server